Global Equestrian Group
Global Equestrian Group was established in the beginning of 2021 German showjumper Ludger Beerbam Stables was acquired and joined the group as co-owner. Later same year Global Equestrian Group acquired Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (now Wellington International).
Global Equestrian Group has activities in dressage, showjumping and events, the jewellery company Helgstrand Jewellery and equestrian appeal company Kingsland Equestrian, as well as other equestrian investments.
Wellington International
Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) now Wellington International was founded by Mark Bellissimo in 2006 and has contributed to transforming Wellington, Florida, into the world’s premiere destination for equestrian enthusiasts.
Wellington International arranges events and is behind the Winter Equestrian Festival, which is held at Wellington International over 12 weeks and is the world’s largest and longest-running equestrian sports event with more than 8,000 horses and more than 250,000 spectators from 43 different countries converge on Wellington to compete for over $12 million dollars in prize money. Wellington International operates 16 competition arenas, 2,500 stalls, and provides participants and spectators with a variety of exclusive restaurants, shopping, hospitality areas, and other first-class facilities. The company has 50 full-time employees and employs a staff of around 600 people in the high season.